Monday, June 21, 2021


Dido Harding has applied to become chief executive of England's National Health Service where she intends to make the NHS 'less reliant on foreigners'. And, considering her close connections with the upper echelons of the Tory government, there's a strong likelihood that she'll be appointed.

Quite frankly I'm appalled, but not exactly surprised. Few things surprise me nowadays about this corrupt Tory government, apart from the support they continue to muster from a hoodwinked national electorate despite their lies, deception, the catastrophe of Brexit and their mis-management of the Covid epidemic.

Dido Harding is totally unfit for the job, which is probably why she'll get it. After all, it's no secret that the Tories want to replace the NHS with a health insurance system. So they'll make sure it fails; firstly by under-funding and secondly by putting an incompetent idiot in charge. Outrageous.

So..., Dido. This is the lady who, after being appointed chief executive of TalkTalk, won the company two wooden spoons in a row for providing the worst public service in Britain. Two consecutive years! Despite this recognition of her talents, and her lack of health qualifications, she was then appointed head of the NHS Improvement Board. One would assume that this surprising elevation may have been aided by her marriage to a Tory MP, her close friendship with David Cameron who made her a life peer (they were pals at Oxford University) and her friendship with Health Secretary Matt Hancock. Then Hancock handed her the key job of leading the Covid pandemic's Test and Trace programme. The result was a testing system that almost collapsed as the second wave hit, a tracing system that failed to trace anywhere near the required number of people and an astonishing bill for taxpayers of £37bn for the programme's first two years - including hundreds of consultants from firms such as McKinseys pocketing £6624 per day. The Public Accounts Committee concluded that, despite spending "unimaginable sums", it still wasn't clear if Test and Trace was working effectively.

Having staggered from failure to failure, she arrogantly thinks that the entire NHS with its £150bn should be placed in her hands. This is crazy. Madness. Perish the thought.

Then there's her comment about 'foreigners'. Hmm.. would the NHS exist without 'foreigners'? Probably not. But as I've already mentioned, that's what the Tories want. It's wrong. And it shows a disgraceful lack of appreciation for the enormous contribution 'foreigners' have made to the NHS, especially during Britain's killer Covid pandemic. Long may the NHS continue with its wonderful bunch of 'foreigners'.


  1. Bloody foreigners coming over here and looking after us. Who do they think they are?? Doctors or something? Please not Dido’s incompetent hands on our NHS 😩

  2. Sounds like Dido would have been a perfect candidate for a position in a tRump cabinet, badly managing something for the benefit of those well connected, at everyone’s expense.
