Been very hot lately. Even in late afternoon. Too hot for a dogstroll up the usual route by Sprocket Hill. Hamish keeps to the shady bits, not that there are many. But he likes the little shade by the tall grass trackside. Then he lies front down on the cool grass in the shadow of the hedge. And the farmer and his lads have been cutting the grass up there and bagging it in black plastic bales. So there's loads of pollen in the air. Not good for my hay fever. Keep sneezing. Pockets full of soggy paper hankies. Kitchen roll squares actuellement. So..., just for a change I took the brute down the valley forest track. It's shady down there and we haven't been there in ages. Took a few snaps. Then spotted quite a few ticks crawling on Hamish's fur. Devil of a job squeezing the little blighters between thumbnails. Have to keep checking him for ticks. Georgie says get a tick collar. So that's another thing on the shopping list. Do they work, or is it a waste of dosh? Shall check the internet. (Click on photos to enlarge.)
Catching up!
2 years ago
Lots of friends are reporting ticks this year, on their dogs and themselves. Nasty things, maybe the damp spring has caused them to increase or be more active. We stopped using Frontline and went for Nexgard instead last year, it seemed to work very well.