Thursday, January 16, 2020

January sun

A new decade dawns. January sunrises and sunsets. Past the shortest day but the sun's still low in the south. Days get a bit longer. About three minutes a day so I understand. Notice it when dogwalking late afternoons. Used to get dark at around 5.30. Now it's still light at six. Good sunsets up at Sprocket Hill. And a good sunrise a couple of days ago. Took a few snaps, but they're nothing like the real thing. Chilly wind from the south. No great problem. It's when it's from the north or east that's worrying. That's when the snows could arrive. No sign of it yet. But it's coming. Ah well, soon be spring.


  1. Lovely photos! I have been taking a photo at 8am most mornings (unless it is too cold and I can't get myself out of the warm bed) and posting it on my blog, and it is encouraging to see how the dawn is getting earlier each day even though we still have cold weather for a while yet!

    1. Getting out of a warm bed is ghastly. Best to stay in and refuse to budge.
