I appear to have survived Christmas. Geo and Don haven't though. They're both horizontal with food poisoning apparently. Geo reckons it may have been the sprouts. I'm not so sure 'cos I noshed bucket loads of 'em with no ill effects, apart from quietly passing wind into the sofa while watching telly. Geo said it wasn't quiet. Anyways, I reckon the alleged food poisoning may have been vaping. They both merrily puff away watching telly, totally denying it's poisonous and a killer. Covers up the aroma of my gaz de derrière though.
So, today, with both of 'em kaput and out of action, I nipped downtown for bread and bottled water then gave Hamish a walk down the bottom stream lane. Cor blimey, muddy or what! And the stream was in full flow. Gushing along. Seems only recently (August) it was almost bone dry. Stagnant. Now look at it. Took some snaps to contrast with August photo. It's a floody time of year. Big floods in Angleterre apparently. And down south in France. But we're okay up here in the hills. Water just drains off down the valleys. River Creuse is well up down in Felletin. Burst its banks in a few places. Which reminds me, my shoes leak. Timberlands. Crap items. Must remember to wear my proper shoes. Northampton-made Crockett & Jones's. Or Lowa boots. Pricey but worth it. Nowt worse than soggy feet when dogwalking. I digress. Ah well, there ye go.
Catching up!
2 years ago