Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Crossing the Creuse

Had a little amble along the Creuse river the other day, just beyond the junction where our nearby stream joins it. Normally can't get into the field because it always seems to be full of cattle. But on this particular day the field was empty and the gate was open. So in I went. Crossed the river by way of an old cement telegraph pole with a wobbly wire hand rail. Didn't spot any fish but saw loads of electric blue dragonflies. Then noticed a few bright blue beetles in the grass. They seemed to be glowing so I presume they were glow worms. Daft name for a beetle. See a lot of them up our way at night but never seen one in the daytime. 'Til now.


  1. Those bright blue beetles: are they really 'glow worms?' I've been spotting several sprinkled around the veg plot, and my head has been saying 'Can't remember being so rampant with the slug pellets!' And those blue dragonflies - gorgeous aren't they. Could watch them for hours. And do. Your river looks lovely. I find great tranquillity when parked up beside a river, and hope you do too.

  2. Vera - Have just looked up 'glow worm' and, as you probably suspected, it's a completely different beetle to the blue one shown here. Shall now try to discover its true identity. Could take some time as I haven't a clue where to start. Maybe Google...

  3. After an intensive investigation I've come to the inevitable conclusion that this beetle doesn't officially exist (despite sightings by Vera and myself). I therefore name it the Glowing Blue Creuse Beetle (also known as Beetlus Creuseus Bleuamus Glowtamus).

  4. Beautiful photos.
    I have only ever seen glow worms in Italy. They were amazing.

  5. Oh, so do you think we have discovered another species, Tommo? Like the name of Beetlus etc...., but since you were the first one to mention this beetle do you think that your name should also be added in. Perhaps Beetlus Creuseus Bleuamus Glowtamus Tommus?

  6. Jean - Thanks. Glad you liked the photos. Glow worms really are fascinating. And quite magical.

    Vera - Googled 'blue beetle' and all that came up was an old German car, an American Superman-type comic book hero and a shiny, dark blue beetle that's common as muck, thus proving the Creuse Blue Beetle is indeed a brand new species. Due to modesty and a determination to live a life of total anonymity, I shall refrain from adding my name to the title. I therefore suggest naming this beetle 'Veras Beetlus' etc.

  7. Nope! No can do. I want anonymity as well, so Veras Beetlus is out! So it looks like we must let that blue beetle be 'found' by others!

  8. Vera - Excellent. I'm sure all these blue beetles will be as chuffed as we both are that they remain undiscovered by the outside world.
