Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Banged my head on a woodshed beam. Clumsy oaf. Scarred for life. Should have worn a crash helmet.


  1. Ouch !! Poor you. I hope you have had it seen to medically, wood is notoriously unsterile stuff and as it has obviously broken the skin you need to make sure there is no risk of infection.

    Nick did the same thing on our cellar beam, several times. He knocked himself senseless once, was dazed for half an hour or so. Since then we have lagged it with pipe lagging so that every time he bangs his head he just gets a bump without a cut. Of course, remembering to duck as he goes into the cellar doesn't seem to be an option.

    Jean, aka nurse Gladys.
    PS how was the trip to the dentist?

    1. Er..., no, I haven't visited the doc - hardly seems worth bothering the poor chap. As any racing motorcyclist or rugger bugger would say "it's just a scratch!" Am hoping it'll just scab up then disappear. Your recommendation of covering offending beam with lagging is a good 'un. Dentist went fine thanks. Endured a filling withour injection and have to return next week for further punishment. Bloke seems to know his onions so fear subsiding slightly.

  2. That does look quite nasty and scabby. Any stitches?

    1. Nah..., no stitches. Can't be arsed to visit doc. I'll just pretend it's not there.

  3. Ouch Tommo, that looks as if warranted a bit of attached swearing when you did that damage to yourself. Hope it heals fast, and take care of yourself. There is only one of you!

    1. Thanks Vera, your concern is much appreciated. Indeed, much swearing followed the unfortunate incident, accompanied by a hefty right hook to the offending beam which caused even more pain!
