So..., there I was, yesterday evening, drying out in front of the kitchen stove after a wettish dogwalk out the back, when I suddenly spotted a rare burst of sunshine out the window. Nipped outside for a closer look (I do like a good bit of dramatic evening light) and hey presto!: a rather impressive rainbow over the hamlet. Grabbed the camera and took a few shots in the drizzling rain. Then another big cloud rolled in and the sun disappeared. Went back indoors, fed the mutts, shoved a lasagne bolognese in the oven, topped and tailed a few beans and stuck 'em in boiling water, poured a large scotch and started browsing through some old bike mags on the kitchen table. Couple of minutes later, another burst of sunshine. Nipped out again. Rainbow was back but higher in the sky due to the sun being very low. Rattled off a few more shots. Fierce shaft of sunlight resulted in a double rainbow. A really bright one. Quite spectacular. Then it suddenly faded. Went back indoors, bit wet but rather chuffed at having witnessed one of nature's splendours. Can't beat a good rainbow.
Catching up!
2 years ago