Don't know what's happened but there appears to be a technical malfunction in this blog's comment response mechanism. This means I'm unable to read, or respond to, any comments that people have kindly posted. Seems every time I click on 'comments', all that shows up is a blank screen. Computers - hate the things. Fine when they're behaving, but infuriating when they're not. Grr...
Another very odd thing: according to the visitor counter thingy, I normally get about half a dozen or so page views a day (thanks readers, whoever you are!), but yesterday, apparently, this number rocketed to 228. Can't be right. Surely shome mishtook. Odd. Very odd.
Catching up!
2 years ago
I have been having trouble leaving comments on a few blogs lately, so it must be Blogger at fault, not my or your computer, so that's a relief.
ReplyDeleteTommo keep up the posts enjoy it so much
Ahha! Managed to finally land in your comment box without it 'whiting out' on me! My website has had the same problems and I tried loads of things to try and get it to behave itself, eventually having a go at using Google Chrome instead of using Internet Explorer....and yipeee! Not only was I able to access my own comments box but I also managed to get into yours. Anyway, error seems fixed for the time being so perhaps this might work for your blog. Anyway, nice to be able to leave a comment again. Hope you are enjoying your new bike and are getting ready to have a zoom around the local area.
ReplyDeleteWeird. I can now see the comments. Seems 'Blogger' have made quite a few behind the scenes changes. It's all a bit different.
ReplyDeleteFrankie - haven't a clue who you are but thanks for that.