Saturday, November 27, 2010

Yuk, snow!

Snowing here. Coming down from the north. Wouldn't normally mind but Georgie's flying over tomorrow. Well, she's scheduled to, but whether her flight from snowy Southampton takes off is another matter. Then there's the question of whether the trains from London will be running. They're always a bit dodgy. Just looked up the UK weather forecast for tomorrow and the south of England, especially Hampshire, is due for a heavy snowfall. Apparently it's something to do with warm air coming in from the channel and then freezing over land, thus resulting in tons of snowy stuff. Also looked up the local French forecast. Seems it's going to continue snowing here today and maybe tomorrow. Hopefully the downhill road out of the village won't be blocked. If it is, we're stumped. Ooh it's a nightmare. Meant to clear up Monday or Tuesday though. Then it's rain. But up here in the hills, probably more snow. Yuk. Still, soon be the shortest day. Roll on spring.



  1. thanks for the forcast but thats not good news for me - hubby is driving back to Surrey tomorrow in the van to pick up some stuff, we are just hoping he will get out of our hamlet.
    love the pics though!

  2. deep snow here overnight too. We have a flight to England planned for next week so hope it will have all washed away by then. Hope Georgie makes it ok

  3. Just visited Roz and surprised that she has had snow. And you too! We are still snow-free, which is a surprise given that we are close to the mountains. But stay warm, Tommo, and hope Georgie manages to visit you.

  4. We have snow here in Derbyshire, which often happens at the end of November (it used to be timed perfectly for the RAC Rally). I am always glad when it falls at the weekend so that we don't have the stress of trying to get to work in it. I hope your visitor arrives ok.

  5. Thanks for messages. Today's dawned bright and sunny so maybe everything'll be okay.
