Living out here deep in the misty backwoods we're surrounded by fields where deer roam freely and cattle and sheep munch on the succulent grass. This being cattle country, the local farmers are kept busy with making sure their land is in top condition for their herds of beasts. One becomes aware of the farmers' hard work while strolling about on dogwalks, especially up at Sprocket Hill, which is where one particular field has seen a lot of change over the last couple of years. After being ploughed, it was re-seeded, then the grass (or was it barley or wheat or something?) grew to a height of about three feet and, recently, it was cut and baled. Now the field is back to being just grassy, but it's growing again. Went up there a couple of evenings ago and the farmer's gang were busy doing more baling and wrapping with black plastic. Had a quick word with the farmer, asked if the plastic rolls were expensive. "Oui" he said, "très chère". Had a torrential downpour the next day so the plastic did its job in keeping the hay dry. I guess some other farmers unfortunately didn't get around to wrapping their bales so they now have to dry out before storing. Noticed a few hawks circling above, looking for fieldmice which are easier to spot when the grass has been cut. Saw a hare running across another field. Unfortunately, so did Hamish, so he went off in hot pursuit. No chance of catching the hare, but it kept him busy for ten minutes, then twenty, then half an hour. An hour and a half later Hamish re-appeared, hot, panting, and covered in ticks. Picked the few visible ones off him, but there were probably others hidden in his fur. Pulled a few others of these blood-sucking nasties off him over the following days. Went up there a bit later. Hamish immediately whizzed off in hunting mode again. Another ninety minute-wait for his reluctant return. Another search for ticks. Ah, the busy routine of life out here in the backwoods.