With a UK general election happening in about four weeks' time on 12th December the British media has been in political overdrive. Almost everywhere you look - television, news, press, social media, radio, etc. - you're inundated with messages designed to influence your decision about how to vote. Interestingly, the vote is not only about political parties, but also about the dreaded Brexit. So, somewhat confusingly, if you're a Tory Brexit Remainer, are you supposed to vote Tory (which is a Leave party) or, perhaps Lib Dem (a Remain party)? Similarly, if you're Labour, how would you know if the party is Remain or Leave when Corbyn hasn't committed one way or t'other? Then there's the dilemma of Johnson (a compulsive liar) and Corbyn (allegedly a Marxist, Leninist, Trotskyist, commie lefty). Which one is the lesser of two evils? It's a nightmare scenario. However, opinion polls suggest that the Tories will win, albeit with a hung parliament. That means another five years with Johnson as PM. Personally, I find this a terrible prospect. The Tories have a shocking record in caring for Britain's underprivileged society, and I fear it will get worse. And as for leaving the EU, which the Tories are intent on doing, well, it's like turkeys voting for Christmas.
Catching up!
2 years ago