Odd for November but we've just had three sunny days on the trot. Warm too. Great for dogwalking. Yesterday I dragged Jock up the Pierrefitte run to see the view from the top. On a clear day you can see right across to the distant mountains of the Massif Centrale (or whatever it's called). They're clear of snow at the moment but that'll soon change! Great walking up there at this time of year with the trees showing off their autumn colours. Good views too on the drive home, looking out over Sprocket Hill towards our hamlet. Nipped down to Felletin in the afternoon to do the EuroMillions lottery. Didn't win but apparently some French person did. About £130 million. Scary. Took a snap of Felletin from the road out of town on the homeward drive. Looked a lot better in reality. Ah well. For the evening run Jock and I nipped out back up the granite cross. Amazing colours in the setting sun. Saw a couple of timid deer but the photos were rubbish. Gets darkish at about sixish nowadays. Soon be the shortest day already. My, how time flies.
P.S. - Took quite a few snaps yesterday but couldn't decide which ones to leave out so I've shoved the lot in. All too soon the leaves will have gone as autumn ends, but at least I'll be able to look back at these snaps and remind myself of all the colour that disappeared into winter's grey. Bleugh!
Catching up!
2 years ago